About SaporeGravis
SaporeGravis is a networking of the I3 Hadron Physics program of the EU 7th FP. SaporeGravis is the natural continuation of the ReteQuarkonii networking. SaporeGravis aims at studying the production of open heavy flavour and quarkonia in hadronic collisions at ultra relativistic energies. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is opening new possibilities for studying the properties of the strongly interacting matter at high temperature and for studying non-perturbative features of QCD. At LHC energies, quarkonia are also be abundantly produced in diffractive and ultra-peripheral collisions. About 27 research groups of 12 different countries participate to the SaporeGravis project. The duration of the project is 36 months, starting on January 1st 2012 (end December 31th 2014).