The workshop venue can be easily reached with the underground train (U-Bahn), line U6.
The U-Bahn station in Garching is centrally located and within close reach of all hotels and is indicated with a large blue "U"-sign. If you leave from Garching, please take the U-Bahn at 07:46, 07:56 or 08:06 to reach ESO on time. If the weather is nice, ESO can also be reached by foot from the centre in Garching in approximately 25 minutes.
Take the underground train (U-Bahn) line U6, with destination "Garching Forschungszentrum" (Garching Research Campus) - this is the last stop on the line. Exit the station at the rear end of the train and follow the sign for ESO.
For different public transport travel schedules you can also use the public journey planner.
The U-Bahn station in Garching is centrally located and within close reach of all hotels and is indicated with a large blue "U"-sign. If you leave from Garching, please take the U-Bahn at 07:46, 07:56 or 08:06 to reach ESO on time. If the weather is nice, ESO can also be reached by foot from the centre in Garching in approximately 25 minutes.
Take the underground train (U-Bahn) line U6, with destination "Garching Forschungszentrum" (Garching Research Campus) - this is the last stop on the line. Exit the station at the rear end of the train and follow the sign for ESO.
For different public transport travel schedules you can also use the public journey planner.
The workshop is held in the old Council room Fornax. Please walk through the ESO main entrance and follow the signs.
Registration takes place
* on Monday between 11:00 -12:30 at the entrance to the room Fornax.
In case you arrive at a later time, please pick up your name badge at the reception at the ESO main entrance.
* on Monday between 11:00 -12:30 at the entrance to the room Fornax.
In case you arrive at a later time, please pick up your name badge at the reception at the ESO main entrance.
The registration fee of Euro 90 is payable by May 9, 2014. It covers all coffee breaks, the lunches on day of arrival (Mo 19 May) and of day of departure (We 21 May) and the social dinner (Tue 20 May). To be able to pay your registration fee, please click on the image E7 EIROforum which appears when you click on "proceed the payment".
LUNCHES provided at MPI Canteen (not covered by registration fee):
Tuesday 20 May at 12:30
The MPI canteen is located a good 5-minute walk from ESO. Please note that only cash is accepted. Prices for a main course range from about 4 to 6 EUR. Tables for the workshop participants have been reserved in the dining hall.
The MPI canteen is located a good 5-minute walk from ESO. Please note that only cash is accepted. Prices for a main course range from about 4 to 6 EUR. Tables for the workshop participants have been reserved in the dining hall.
Open wireless internet is available in most parts of the ESO building. Signs with the respective account name and password can be found in the Fornax room.
We will have available in the meeting room a Mac and Windows laptop with standard presentation software (Keynote, Powerpoint, or pdf). Please bring your presentation on a memory stick and give it to the chairman of the session or one of the organisers for upload.
To see what session your presentation is in, please check the Agenda
To see what session your presentation is in, please check the Agenda
Using your own laptop is strongly discouraged!
Social Dinner – Tuesday 20 May at 19:30:
The social dinner is included in the registration fee and will take place at
restaurant RONDELL in the centre of Garching.
The dinner is a 3-course Menu included drinks. If you would like to join this dinner, please be kind to confirm your venue on the registration form and to “select” you prefer main dish in advance (either meat:pork or fish or vegetarian).
restaurant RONDELL in the centre of Garching.
The dinner is a 3-course Menu included drinks. If you would like to join this dinner, please be kind to confirm your venue on the registration form and to “select” you prefer main dish in advance (either meat:pork or fish or vegetarian).
If you need a taxi to the airport at the end of the workshop please be kind to enter your full name and departure time in the registration form and/or to add your name and flight departure on the list we will hand out during coffee breaks on Wednesday 21 May. The ESO reception will then book taxi accordingly.
There are banks and cash-points in Garching. All main credit and debit cards are accepted (with PIN code). Please note that the banks may close during lunch time and have otherwise opening hours grossly different from shops. There is also a cash-point (Kreissparkasse) on the Campus, at the bus stop Lichtenbergstrasse 4 (TUM Chemie).