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2014 Topical Workshop: Management of Instrumentation Projects

ESO Garching

ESO Garching


The 2014 EIROforum topical workshop on the Management of Instrumentation Projects will be held from 19-21 May at ESO headquarters in Garching. 

  • Andrea Murari
  • Christian Joram
  • David Lumb
  • Edward Mitchell
  • Fabio Biancat Marchet
  • Ferdinand Hahn
  • Figueiredo Joao
  • Livia Lapadatescu
  • Mark Casali
  • markus nordberg
  • Reinhold Dorn
  • Riko Wichmann
  • Rolf Lindner
  • Stefan Fiedler
  • Thomas R. Schneider
  • werner riegler
  • Wolfgang Wild
    • Registration in room Fornax Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

    • 12:30
      Buffet lunch Free area near Council room Fornax

      Free area near Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

    • 0 - Session 1: Introduction to Institutes Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      The 5-minute presentations aim at providing a general understanding of our different organizations for the workshop participants. Presenters are asked to focus on organizational description rather than future projects, given the time limits.

      Conveners: Andrea Murari (JET), Christian Joram (CERN), David Lumb (ESA), Jean Susini (ESRF), Jerome Beaucour (ILL), Mark Casali (ESO), Riko Wichmann (DESY), Thomas Schneider (EMBL)
      • 1
        1.1 ESO Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of ESO – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Mark Casali (ESO)
      • 2
        1.2 CERN Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of CERN – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Christian Joram (CERN)
      • 3
        1.3 ESA Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of ESA – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: David Lumb (ESA)
      • 4
        1.4 ILL Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        Brief description of ILL – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Jerome Beaucour (ILL)
      • 5
        1.5 EMBL Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of EMBL – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Thomas Schneider (EMBL)
      • 6
        1.6 JET Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of JET – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Andrea Murari (JET)
      • 7
        1.7 XFEL Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of XFEL – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Riko Wichmann (XFEL)
      • 8
        1.8 ESRF Council room Fornax

        Council room Fornax

        ESO Garching

        Brief description of ESRF – function, size, Organisation
        Speaker: Jean Susini (ESRF)
    • Session 2: Managing projects (I) Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      Conveners: Ferdinand Hahn (CERN), Jean Susini (ESRF), Jerome Beaucour (ILL), Mark Casali (ESO), Stefan Fiedler (EMBL)
      • 9
        2.1 How experiments start (CERN)
        Even a small or medium size High Energy Physics experiment requires nowadays an important capital investment. To get a new experiment approved many problems have to be solved and fund raising is only one of them. This talk will not look at the cost book of an experiment, but it will give hints how a group of physicists can manage to get an experiment of the ground.
        Speaker: Ferdinand Hahn (CERN)
      • 10
        2.2 Upgrade projects (ESRF)
        ESRF Upgrade Programme (from 2009-2020) covering new accelerator projects.
        Speaker: Jean Susini (ESRF)
      • 15:30
        Coffee break
      • 11
        2.3 Management of small and medium instrumentation projects (EMBL)
        The talk will describe the project management reality, problems and advantages, from our (EMBL) perspective giving some examples.
        Speaker: Stefan Fiedler (EMBL)
      • 12
        2.4 Project management for the M1 programme and working with industry (ILL)
        The talk will present the project management successfully system implemented at the ILL in 2007 for the implementation of the Millennium program M1 (a 7years/50M€ investment program for the upgrade of the ILL scientific instrument suite and their related infrastructure). ILL is currently reconsidering the way to interact with industry. Some of such strategic considerations will be presented, as well as the possible associated means foreseen.
        Speaker: Jerome Beaucour (ILL)
      • 13
        General discussion
    • Session 3: Managing projects (II) Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      Conveners: Joao Figueiredo (JET), Mark Casali (ESO), Markus Nordberg (CERN), R. Wichmann (XFEL), Rolf Lindner (CERN), W. Wild (ESO)
      • 14
        3.1 Lifecycle of diagnostic enhancement projects at JET-EFDA (JET)
        Speaker: Joao Figueiredo (JET)
      • 15
        3.2 From idea to realization of a HEP experiment (CERN)
        High Energy Particle physics (HEP) experiments increased steadily in complexity, number of collaborators, duration and budget. The road to success from an idea to the final realization is long and builds on close cooperation between collaborating institutes and industry and an almost flat hierarchy. The different steps towards the final implementation of a HEP experiment are presented using the example of LHCb at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
        Speaker: Rolf Lindner (CERN)
      • 16
        3.3 ALMA - a real world example (ESO)
        This talk would present the ALMA management scheme and outline successes and difficulties encountered during 10+ years of construction.
        Speaker: W. Wild (ESO)
      • 17
        3.4 Project management processes at the European XFEL project (XFEL)
        The project organization and the management processes for the realization of the European XFEL are described in the XFEL project Handbook. This handbook contains descriptions of the rules and responsibilities within the project and an outline of the main project management processes scheduling, resource planning, project internal reporting and follow-up. These processes are supported by a central project management system.
        Speaker: R. Wichmann (XFEL)
      • 18
        3.5 ATLAS as an example of a large scientific collaboration (CERN)
        How do large scientific collaborations work? ATLAS as a case. The presentation will give an overview how large scientific projects such as the LHC experiments are governed and funded and what type of instruments (MoUs) are used to execute them.
        Speaker: Markus Nordberg (CERN)
      • 19
        3.6 ATTRACT Initiative - detector R&D and imaging program funded by EC (CERN)
        The presentation will summarize an initiative proposed to the European Commission for establishing a dedicated program for ionizing radiation and imaging R&D, cutting across all fields developing such sensors and related technologies. ATTRACT is science driven but integrates European Small and Medium Enterprises as co-developers, aiming at shortening the innovation cycle from research to societal use.
        Speaker: Markus Nordberg (CERN)
      • 10:30
        Coffee break
      • 20
        General discussion
    • 12:30
      Lunch Old Council room Fornax

      Old Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      Sandwiches were ordered

    • 14:00
      Session 4: The European ELT - Introduction and Tour Bus was arranged to drive there (Hochbrück)

      Bus was arranged to drive there


      ESO has started construction of the European ELT, which will become the largest optical/IR telescope in the world. The project has major technical and industrial challenges. The tour will start with an introduction to the project and will include a view and description of the phasing test bench. Tours of other labs will be organised depending on availability.

    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Session 5: Resource management Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      Conveners: Fabio Biancat-Marchet (ESO), Mark Casali (ESO), Philippe Duru (ESRF)
      • 21
        5.1 Project management in a fully matrixed organization (ESO)
        Speaker: Fabio Biancat-Marchet (ESO)
      • 22
        5.2 Resource management at the ESRF (ESRF)
        A few years ago, ESRF implemented a project management methodology to monitor resources and set priorities between new projects and recurrent facility operation.
        Speaker: Philippe Duru (ESRF)
      • 23
        General Discussion
    • 19:30
      Conference Dinner Restaurant "Rondell" (Bürgerplatz 9, 85748 Garching)

      Restaurant "Rondell"

      Bürgerplatz 9, 85748 Garching

      Bürgerplatz 9, 85748 Garching

      Restaurant Rondell (dinner included in the registration fee)

    • Session 6: Working with external partners Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      The science community including institutes and universities are the “customers” for the mission products, but also the “providers” through national funding, of instruments and other components of a mission. There are frequently tensions in this conflict between customer and provider and we provide a brief description how this works well or fails.

      Conveners: David Lumb (ESA), Ed Mitchell (ESRF), Mark Casali (ESO)
      • 24
        6.1 ESRF interactions with the industrial world (ESRF)
        ESRF, as a User Facility, has two kinds of interactions with industry: a/ as a user and b/ as a KTT partner. Both aspects involve Project Management and the issues and challenges will be addressed.
        Speaker: Ed Mitchell (ESRF)
      • 25
        6.2 Working with institutes (ESO)
        Speaker: Mark Casali (ESO)
      • 26
        6.3 Challenges of working with industry (ESA)
        Development of products from launchers to spacecraft and sub-systems is usually done by industry according to well-defined contractual arrangements. This can be difficult to complete for more speculative research contracts. We describe some particular challenges of this relationship.
        Speaker: David Lumb (ESA)
      • 27
        General discussion
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Session 7: Balancing science and engineering Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

      Conveners: David Lumb (ESA), Jason Spyromilio (ESO), Mark Casali (ESO), Werner Riegler (CERN)
      • 28
        7.1 Balancing Science and Engineering (ESA)
        We briefly describe the main programmes for technology development at ESA, highlighting where these target different development stages according to spacecraft or instrument, following a definition of “Technology Readiness Level”.
        Speaker: David Lumb (ESA)
      • 29
        7.2 Balancing Science and Engineering (CERN)
        The strict distinction between science and engineering is not really existing in large scale experiments, but there is an almost continuous set of 'professions' that span these two traditional topics. In this context I will discuss a few aspects of relations between scientists and engineers.
        Speaker: Werner Riegler (CERN)
      • 30
        7.3 Early science or perfect engineering (ESO)
        Speaker: Jason Spyromilio (ESO)
    • Session 8: Science & engineering General discussion/Conclusions Council room Fornax

      Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching

    • 13:00
      Buffet Lunch Free area near Old Council room Fornax

      Free area near Old Council room Fornax

      ESO Garching