22–25 Sept 2014
Chamonix - Les Aiglons
Europe/Zurich timezone

Machine Development Priorities

23 Sept 2014, 17:30
Chamonix - Les Aiglons

Chamonix - Les Aiglons


Jan Uythoven


The Machine Development requirements for Run 2 are largely determined by the overall commissioning plan of the LHC in 2015 and foreseen operational challenges related to optics, beta* squeeze, instabilities and equipment performance. Electron cloud scrubbing is not part of the MDs. The demands from the different groups involved, expressed during the "MD Day" on 2 September 2014, are presented and evaluated in the context of importance for the machine performance, the constraints imposed by the available beams (from the injectors and in the LHC) and the available MD time. Organisational aspects of the MDs, like procedures, contact persons and MD notes, will also be outlined.

Presentation materials