Session 5 - LIU
- Malika Meddahi
- Giovanni Rumolo
Session 5 [Chairs: Malika Meddahi, Giovanni Rumolo)
Theodoros Argyropoulos
9/24/14, 11:40 AM
At the end of the LHC run 2 in 2012 the 25 ns beam with an intensity of 1.3e11 p/b was successfully accelerated in the SPS. Further significant increase of bunch intensity in the SPS requires that all LIU baseline upgrades are in place (for 200 MHz and 800 MHz RF systems and e-‐cloud mitigation), but even then the bunch intensity could be limited below the HL-‐LHC value of 2.5E11 by...
Michael Andreas Bodendorfer
9/24/14, 12:05 PM
We will review the performance of the ion injector chain of the LHC during LR1, and the baseline of the upgrades, which are planned in order to reach the performance required after LS2. After overviewing the open issues and a tentative list of planned machine developments, we present the beam characteristics expected during LR2 and beyond.