19–30 Jan 2015
Ecole de Physique des Houches
Europe/Zurich timezone

Enhancing the control over the ion energy in a hybrid atom-ion experiment

Not scheduled
Ecole de Physique des Houches

Ecole de Physique des Houches



Mr Joschka Wolf (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm)


We investigate the interaction of a laser-cooled trapped ion ($^{138}$Ba$^+$, $^{87}$Rb$^+$ or $^{87}$Rb$_2^+$) with an ultra-cold cloud of optically confined $^{87}$Rb atoms. The ion is held in a linear Paul trap and is immersed in the center of the cold atomic cloud. By controlling a set of parameters, like changing the micromotion energy, we can manipulate the atom-ion collisions and investigate elastic and inelastic collision phenomena. Using the cold atom gas we can achieve sympathetic cooling of the $^{138}$Ba$^+$ to sub-Doppler temperatures (sub mK). To be able to measure the energy after collisions precisely we are setting up a resolved sideband system for the $^{138}$Ba$^+$ ion which I will present. Another project is to implement a dipole trap at 493 nm for the $^{138}$Ba$^+$ ion and to switch off the Paul trap during the atom ion interaction in order to remove the micromotion completely.


Mr Joschka Wolf (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm)


Mr Amir Mahdian (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm) Mr Amir Mohammadi (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm) Mr Artjom Krükow (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm) Prof. Johannes Hecker Denschlag (Institut für Quantenmaterie, Universität Ulm)

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