MC-PAD 14th phone meeting

166-R-014 (CERN)



phone conference "Christian Joram / MC-PAD" For outside callers: +41 22 76 77000
Participating: Wolfgang, Peter, Marek, Doris, Tilman, Pierluigi, Christian S., Christian J.; Excused: Robert, Els, Michael. Items to follow up: ----------------------- - participants to check their input in NEF forms (see attached pdf file) - non-validated data in NEF for UHH. --> Doris, Christian (Lidija) - Question of Visiting Scientists. 18 ( 9 x 2 ) months foreseen. Original idea of booking all 18 months on CERN and attributing them afterwards to host, is not acceptable to EC. We have to define host lab now. Default solution: all 9 participants are entitled to 2 months VS. Recruitment --------------- - job advertisment, long version, ~ OK, Wolfgang and Marek to add project descriptions P2-P12 - job adevertisment, short version, ~OK, extend searched profile from physicist to physicists / engineers, add deadlines, add webpage link. Webpage ------------- - page set-up by GSI team. Functionality ok. Look can be improved. For the time being, page should only be accessible for MC-PAD members. Logo ------ - agreed on the logo which is already shown in the long job advertisment Network Agreement ------------------------- - Pierluigi prepared a draft. Already in good shape. Role of associated and industrial partners to be added. - Question: Should associated and industrial partners have the right to vote in supervisory board ? Christian to check how this is handled in other networks. List of candidates ---------------------- Christian will set up a TWIKI page where candidates can be posted. Access only for MC-PAD members. Next phone meeting -------------------------- Monday, 5 May, 14:00.
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