Oct 13 – 17, 2014
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
America/Chicago timezone

CFEngine Application at AGLT2

Oct 16, 2014, 2:15 PM
Nebraska Union - Regency Suite (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

Nebraska Union - Regency Suite

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

<b>GPS coordinates :</b> <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nebraska+Union/@40.8177945,-96.7004067,17z"> N 40.81 E -96.70 </a>
Basic IT Services Basic IT Services


Mr Ben Meekhof (University of Michigan)


CFEngine is a highly flexible configuration management framework. It also has a very high learning curve which can sometimes make decisions about how to deploy and use it difficult. At AGLT2 we manage a variety of different systems with CFEngine. We also have an effective version-controlled workflow for developing, testing, and deploying changes to our configuration. The talk will demonstrate what a practical and useful CFEngine infrastructure might look like. It will also include examples of how we organize our policy and effectively use the CFEngine policy language.


Mr Ben Meekhof (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials