Gergely Sipos
A new feature of the EGEE project’s third phase, is an Applications Porting Group to help users transfer applications to the EGEE grid. Experts from the porting team work closely with application owners to understand their requirements and to identify suitable approaches, tools for the porting process and to set realistic and feasible porting scenarios. Intensive workshops and personalized training events organized by the team ensure that application owners become expert on porting tools and can perform the porting process with the porting team quickly and efficiently. The porting team interact closely with the core middleware developers of EGEE and with the application services developers to stay abreast of the current capabilities of the middleware and third-party services that work well with the EGEE software stack. Any academic or industrial application developer with demands for large number of computational and data storage resources is welcome.
The presentation introduce the main services of the support group and highlights latest results, ongoing activities and future plans. The webpage of the EGEE application porting team is available at www.lpds.sztaki.hu/gasuc. Here you can find further information about current applications, past success stories and how to apply.
Gergely Sipos