Abstracts for online demonstrations must provide a summary of the demo content. Places for demos are limited and this summary will be used as part of the selection procedure. Please include the visual impact of the demo and highlight any specific requirements (e.g. network connection). In general, a successful demo is expected to have some supporting material (poster) and be capable of running on a single screen or projector.
Besides recently ported applications the demo will also present the lifecycle of application support as it is provided in EGEE, starting with filling out contact forms to technical analysis of the application, and to the development of prototype then production grid application.
Tools that are typically used for application porting will be also demonstrated, ranging from client APIs and command line tools of the gLite distribution to high level tools such as P-GRADE Portal, GridWay or GENIUS. Through grid applications the typical porting scenarios can be detailed, through the tools the capabilities, benefits and advantages of various environments can be introduced.
To guarantee that the demonstration is given in a coherent way the demo scenario will be defined by one person from the application porting team, who will collect input from the various porting centers, will review the inputs and will merge them into a clear agenda.
Report on the impact of the activity, tool or service. This should include a description of how grid technology enabled or enhanced the result, or how you have enabled or enhanced the infrastructure for other users.
Most of the porting team members provided porting services already in the previous phases of EGEE. The effort resulted several grid applications from various fields of science. The high standard of their work has been recognized at various conferences, user forums and workshops by the computational science community in the wide sense. in the coordinated application porting effort of EGEE-III makes the outreach of the activity even bigger, helping more and more users through the difficult initial steps of becoming an EGEE user.
The groups continue the intensive porting work in EGEE-III and they are already involved in supporting new applications from the fields of medical imaging, plasma physics, etc. Although most of these applications are immature by the time of submitting this demo proposal, experience of the past shows that most of them (probably not all of them) will be running on EGEE by September and can be chosen for demonstration for the booth.
Describe the activity, tool or service using or enhancing the EGEE infrastructure or results. A high-level description is needed here (Neither a detailed specialist report nor a list of references is required).
Application porting is one of the key support activities in EGEE-III. The Application Porting Support Group works closely with application owners to make recommendations for porting solutions. Workshops and training events ensure that new applications benefit from the EGEE Grid quickly and effectively. The demonstration presents the most relevant applications that the porting group worked with in the project, the typical porting scenarios and the high level tools that were used.
Describe the added value of the grid for your activity, or the value your tool or service adds for other grid users. This should include the scale of the activity and of the potential user community, and the relevance for other scientific or business applications.
The EGEE-III application porting team interacts closely with application communities, thus it is well informed about the needs of grid newcomers and the typical problems they are faced with. Having a demo booth dedicated to EGEE application porting activities is a good way to provide conference attendees with a central place where information about the services, tools and approaches related to EGEE application development are displayed, and where participants can meet experienced application developers.
Members of the porting team travel as appropriate to work directly with application owners and developers. Alternatively, people who are not members of the EGEE-III consortium needing support may travel to the application porting support team using the EGEE “Coordinating community effort” fund to subsidize such travel. Contacts made at the application porting booth can easily turn into fruitful collaborations, resulting new applications and expanding the EGEE application portfolio.