Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

22–26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone

Uniform access to the Grid - Migrating Desktop Platform

24 Sept 2008, 16:40
Kocatepe Hall (Harbiye Askeri Museum)

Kocatepe Hall

Harbiye Askeri Museum

Oral contribution User Interaction and Workflows


Marcin Plociennik (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)


The Migrating Desktop Platform is an advanced graphical user interface to grid resources that could be useful for grid application developers, by speeding up the application integration process as well as for grid users, hiding the complexity of the grid middleware(also gLite). The Migrating Desktop Platform is a uniform environment for grid application that enhances gLite with user-friendly access to services covering the whole application lifecycle from job defining, launching, monitoring until visualization of job results. The product front-end is an advanced graphical user interface similar to a window-based operating system that hides the complexity of the grid middleware and makes access to the grid resources easy and transparent. Main product features include: straightforward integration procedures with grid applications, easy job defining, submission, monitoring and visualization of results, support for batch and interactive jobs, handling of sequential and parallel applications, intuitive management of grid data Migrating Desktop was created in the EU CrossGrid Project ( and deployed in EU BalticGrid I and II projects ( ,developed and deployed in EU Interactive European Grid Project (, where functionality for handling interactive grid applications was implemented. Currently it is being extended and deployed in FP7 EUFORIA project where it is being integrated with Kepler scientific workflow system, that will handle in the same time Grid resources and infrastructure (gLite,, globus) and HPC (Unicore), that makes MD an interoperational product.

Primary author

Marcin Plociennik (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)

Presentation materials