22–26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone

Training for Grid Portal Developers

24 Sept 2008, 12:00
Inönu Hall (Harbiye Askeri Museum)

Inönu Hall

Harbiye Askeri Museum



Miklos Kozlonvszky


The complexity of grid infrastructures and applications should be hidden from end users otherwise grid computing cannot be taken up by all of its potential user communities. Various projects and groups spend significant effort to develop web based grid portals that are tailored for non IT specialist users and hide the complexities of these systems. Such portals are highly customized for the input/output channels of a given set of applications and they often include special visualisation, fault-tolerance and other high level services that make the grid transparent for end users. The presentation introduces a training module that has been recently crated by MTA SZTAKI as part of their P-GRADE Portal training portfolio. The module explains how one can develop a customized and JSR-168 compliant Gridsphere portlet to hide grid applications from end users. Custom portlets can include any kind of presentation and visualization layer that are relevant for the end users and can build on the high level grid services provided by P-GRADE. EGEE and Globus based workflows, parameter studies various task and data parallel applications can be all hidden in this way behind user friendly interfaces, assuring that end users see smooth operation instead of unnecessary information and unexpected failures. The presentation is recommended for any grid portal developer and to communities who wish to access grids in transparent and user friendly way. Further information on P-GRADE Portal is available at www.portal.p-grade.hu


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