22โ€“26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone


Business Track - Grid and Business Plenary

22 Sept 2008, 14:00
Harbiye Askeri Museum

Harbiye Askeri Museum



This session focuses on trends in distributed computing as we move towards new frontiers.
EGEE will outline its business programme, showcase current achievements and chart the course to face the new challenges ahead.
This opening session to the Business Track provides an analyst perspective around the market place for Grids, Cloud Computing and future computing platforms, including analysis of key commercial pressures and their likely impact.
The programme is complimented by an example of knowledge exchange between industry and research with a case study on a grid-enabled distributed signal search system. Imense, a UK-based SME, presents a use case illustrating how grid access can level the playing field for new companies wishing to demonstrate internet scale technology.

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