This session is all about the sea-change surrounding cloud computing, investigating the benefits and challenges related to this emerging technology. Talks look at how cloud fits into the big picture and what cloud and grids can teach each other. One of the talks centres on EGEEโs investigation into clouds and grids with a comparison between lowest common denominator components and higher-level services.
Following this theme, we will see how by being able to dynamically scale computation and storage power and paying only for what it used will change the marketplace as we know it. IGT, who will be holding the World Summit of Cloud Computing in Dec, offers an inside look at scientific and technical computing, into a business-innovating technology that is driving increased commercial adoption.
A new EGEE Business Associate and STFC spin-out, Constellation Technologies, provides a cloud computing service to businesses using EGEEโs gLite. The talk will show how its SuperCloud infrastructure allows users to access different re source providers to offer higher-level services, as well as a global marketplace for various service providers, such as media, finance, and engineering.
Training opportunities will also be presented for any company that wishes to get a hands-on experience using this technology.
Discussions do not stop here as the next session continues with the future direction of virtualization, including clouds.