22โ€“26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone


3rd Building Bridges in Healthgrids Workshop

22 Sept 2008, 16:00
Harbiye Askeri Museum

Harbiye Askeri Museum



Application for Health, from Biomedical Data Acquisition to its Integration and use in Grids.

In highlight of the newly published SHARE Roadmap, the aim of this 3rd edition of our workshop is to give an opportunity to all stakeholders to review the status of various International initiatives addressing the development and deployment of Grid applications for medical research and health care. More particularly, participants will be able to compare their respective approaches for addressing healthgrid challenges, and to initiate new collaborations and convergence in the community.
Thus, a panel of experts will be invited to give a short presentation of their work, related to 3 major topics of interest, ranging from biomedical data acquisition/integration, to end-user applications gridification, to grid middleware related requirements.

The second part of the workshop will aim to engage discussions around emerging topics in the community, and in particular will attempt to address the milestones defined in the SHARE roadmap. For this purpose, a set of panelists will express their opinions, and ultimately addressing additional questions/topics raised in the audience.

The proposed topics are:
- Identifying ways forward in Europe for the convergence toward a community healthgrid platform and infrastructure.
- Security and privacy in healthgrids, Common practices in European projects. Emergence of an healthgrid European regulation.
- Medical data integration and exploitation in grids. European Technologies and their Integration in the Grid.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Vincent Jacques Breton (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC))
22/09/2008, 16:00
Dr Luciano Milanesi (National Research Council - Institute of Biomedical Technologies)
22/09/2008, 16:15
22/09/2008, 16:20
Doman Kim (Chonnam National University), Dr Ignacio Blanquer (UPV), Dr Joerg Freund (Siemens), Dr Luciano Milanesi (National Research Council - Institute of Biomedical Technologies), Mr Yannick Legre (MAAT-G)
22/09/2008, 16:40
Building timetable...