22โ€“26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone


Resource Allocation Process

24 Sept 2008, 16:00
Harbiye Askeri Museum

Harbiye Askeri Museum



The process discussed in this session is one of the core processes in grids. The principal goal of the process is to make a VO know resources (including quality of service) that are foreseen to be allocated for usage and make a resource planning on sites possible. The possible results of this process could be in form of an agreement (SLD) between a site and a VO that should be easy to set-up and traceable.

The session itself will start with an overview of the current EGEE process and focus on requirements to the process both from VOs and from sites. Additionally, specific solution from one of ROC will be presented. The discussion that is planned at the end of the session should give an initial input for Resource Allocation Group to propose improvements towards a scalable process of resources allocation for grid infrastructure in the future that would be applicable both to VOs and to sites of different characteristics. All people that would like to influence the future solution on this field, especially site managers, VO managers and NGI representatives are welcomed.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Tomasz Szepieniec (ACK CYFRONET AGH)
24/09/2008, 16:00
Mr Frederic Schaer (CEA)
24/09/2008, 16:10
Oral contribution
Charles Loomis (IN2P3-LAL)
24/09/2008, 16:25
Oral contribution
Ms Isabel Campos Plasencia (IFCA, Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, CSIC)
24/09/2008, 16:40
Oral contribution
Mr Tomasz Szepieniec (ACK CYFRONET AGH)
24/09/2008, 16:55
Oral contribution
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