22โ€“26 Sept 2008
Harbiye Askeri Museum
Europe/Zurich timezone


Envisaged Fusion activities inside EGEE-III

25 Sept 2008, 14:00
Harbiye Askeri Museum

Harbiye Askeri Museum



Three main research lines are being developed by fusion cluster. The first one is a continuation of the first phase and consists of porting fusion applications to the grid, while the second and the third ones, devoted to grid-based data management and to complex workflows establishment, are new lines. A discussion will be established to fix the priorities of application porting, to define the suitable scheme for data mining and to define complex workflows.

Several applications have been previously ported and are now in production phase, showing the grid computing capacity as a tool for solving fusion theory problems. Fusion data management and mining is presently based on local databases, despite of the fact that many devices are exploited on collaborative basis and many results are obtained using multimachine data. Grid-based data management appears as a promising research line for fusion data exploitation, but no experience exists on this field for the moment. A specific goal must be established as a proof of concept that can show that the grid can be indeed useful for this activity. Finally, the complexity of fusion problems requires the interaction between applications, and the output of some calculations can be the input of a given application. Complex workflows must be established between grid applications and the techniques to be used must be discussed.

The applications that are running in the grid have produced relevant scientific results that have been published in specialised journals and have shown to the fusion community that grid techniques are indeed useful for solving plasma research problems. The more applications successfully ported the more impact on the community, so the list of applications to be ported must be increased. Especially important is to enhance the relations with EUFORIA project. An important line of the latter is establishing complex workflows among grid and HPC applications. Data management is a potential field where grid technologies can show their capabilities in sharing data among research groups and in establishing multimachine results.

We will have three presentations and discussion sessions on the three main research lines described above. Especially important is to define the specific pilot task on data management to be developed by grid techniques. An instance is to use data from two or three devices to establish a multimachine scaling law. Finally, a discussion will be established on the appropriated applications to be linked by workflows, considering their scientific relevance.

Presentation materials

25/09/2008, 14:00
25/09/2008, 14:05
Talk 15 min. Discussion 10 min.
Mr Nikolay Marusov (RRC "Kurchatov Institute")
25/09/2008, 14:30
Talk 15 min. Discussion 15 min.
Pierrick Micout (Unknown)
25/09/2008, 15:00
Talk 15 min. Discussion 15 min.
Building timetable...