Ishtiaq Ahmed
In this study, we investigate the electromagnetic form factors, $F^{em}_{X^{0^-}}$, decay constants, $f_{X^{0^-}}$, and charge radii, $\langle r_{X^{0^-}}\rangle$, where $X^{0^-}=\pi^+\text{ or }K^+$, for pion and kaon within the frame work of light-front field theory formalism using symmetric vertex function as a quark-meson interaction vertex. The above mentioned observables are evaluated for the plus component of the electromagnetic current, $J^+$, in the Breit frame while, both, the valance and the non-valance contributions are taken into account. We also study the sensitivity of $F^{em}_{X^{0^-}}$, $f_{X^{0^-}}$ and $\langle r_{X^{0^-}}\rangle$ on the model's parameters, namely, quark masses, $m_u=m_d$, $m_{\bar s}$, and on the regulator mass, $m_R$. It is found that, after fine tuning of regulator mass i.e. $m_R=0.6$ GeV, the model is suitable to fit the experimental values of $f_{X^{0^-}}$ and $\langle r_{X^{0^-}}\rangle$ within the theoretical uncertainties, both, for pion and kaon.
Ishtiaq Ahmed