Field theoretical approaches to QCD
- Arlene Cristina Aguilar (UNICAMP)
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
- Daniel Gomez Dumm (UNLP)
Gastão Krein
24/03/2015, 15:30
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
There is a remarkable prediction of QCD that the leptonic decay
constants of the excited states of the pion are dramatically
suppressed relative to that of the ground-state pion - in the
chiral limit, the decay constants of the excited pions are
exactly zero. Although within a quark model perspective a
suppression of a leptonic decay constant for excited states
is expected, as it is...
Henrique Boschi
24/03/2015, 16:00
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
We review some hadron properties obtained from holographic AdS/QCD models.
Wayne de Paula
24/03/2015, 16:30
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
We construct a Dynamical AdS/QCD model for Light-Mesons and Baryons. The model is a solution of five-dimensional Einstein-dilaton equations that encodes essential features of holographic QCD backgrounds dynamically. Our solution for the gravity background corresponds to a deformed Anti-de Sitter metric at the relevant QCD scale. In this unified model we obtained Regge Trajectories for...
Leticia Palhares
26/03/2015, 10:30
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
In this seminar, we investigate the role of a non-perturbative
breaking of the BRST invariance in the infrared regime of non-Abelian
gauge theories and its possible relation to confinement.
This breaking naturally arises from the procedure of quantization of
Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theories that takes into account the presence
of Gribov copies. The resulting non-perturbative framework...
Bruno Mintz
26/03/2015, 11:00
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
The grand partition function of a model of confined quarks is exactly calculated at arbitrary temperatures and quark chemical potentials. The model is inspired by a softly BRST-broken version of QCD and possesses a quark mass function compatible with nonperturbative analyses of lattice simulations and Dyson-Schwinger equations. Even though the model is defined at tree level, we show that it...
Rômulo Rougemont
26/03/2015, 11:30
Field theoretical approaches to QCD
Oral presentation
We obtain holographic formulas for the transport coefficients $\kappa$ and $\tau_\pi$ present in the second-order derivative expansion of relativistic hydrodynamics in curved spacetime associated with a non-conformal strongly coupled plasma described holographically by an Einstein+Scalar action in the bulk. We compute these coefficients as functions of the temperature in a bottom-up...