Social events

Pizza-Barbecue at Prevessin picnic area

On Wednesday evening we propose – if the weather is good enough – to prepare and bake our own pizzas in the wood-fired oven located at the Barbecue area inside CERN Prevessin site. To get there, a car-sharing transport will be organized by the PicoSEC CERN researchers.

Social dinner

The social dinner will be held on Thursday evening at Restaurant "La Villa", in Saint-Genis Pouilly.

A car sharing service will be organized to reach the restaurant from CERN. The dinner will be offered to the PicoSEC-MCNet researchers.

Visit to the United Nations

On Saturday morning we suggest to visit the UN palace in Geneva. 

Guided tours are organized at 10:30, 12:00, 14:30 and 16:00. It's necessary to be at the visitors entrance in advance in order to go through the security checks. 

Hiking in the Jura

On the day of Saturday, depending on the weather conditions, a hiking in the Jura will be organied as well.

If you are willing to participate, please contact the organization.









*images credits: Lotus Head, Hochgeladen von YannRoland-zh.