8–11 Dec 2014
University of Antwerp
Europe/Zurich timezone
REF 2014: Resummation, Evolution, Factorization

REF 2014

Understanding high-energy hadronic processes within the TMD and Small-XB 
frameworks: comparison and matching


The first Workshop `Resummation, Evolution, Factorization' to be held on 8 - 11 December 2014 in Antwerp (Belgium) follows up the previous TMD/uPDF Workshop and is aimed to continue, extend and develop the discussion initiated on the latter.

The principal goal of this series of Workshops is to organise a discussion between the experts from the communities specialising, on the one hand, in the investigation of the nucleon structure based on the Transverse-Momentum Dependent factorization framework (TMD) and, on the other hand, in various methods of dealing with the unintegrated Parton Distribution Functions (uPDF) in the small-XB regime. Given that these two big communities attempt to address quite overlapping physical phenomena by means of the different languages, the strong demand arises for mutual understanding, promoting the possible development of joint research programs and unified treatments of some of the crucial problems in the theory of strong interaction. 

The key topics of the first REF Workshop will cover the most important theoretical and phenomenological issues related to the study of the hadronic processes at high energy in which the transverse degrees of freedom are relevant. 

The theoretical part includes the fundamental problems of factorization, operator definitions and gauge invariance of parton densities, their renormalization and evolution in different Xregimes. 

The phenomenological part addresses specific high-energy processes available at the LHC, JLab, RHIC and EIC (Drell-Yan process, Higgs production etc.) within the frameworks of the TMDs and uPDFs, emphasizing on the profound analysis of the matches and mismatches of their predictions. 

You are welcome to register by 1 Dec 2014 at https://indico.cern.ch/event/330428/registration/register#/register

More information on the scientific program, working schedule and local organisation will follow in the second bulletin. We are looking forward to seeing you in Antwerp on 8 - 11 Dec 2014.

University of Antwerp
Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet
Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerp