11:00 AM
Welcome and opening remarks
Igor Cherednikov
(University of Antwerp)
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
11:10 AM
Presentation of the TMDlib project
Andrea Signori
(VU University Amsterdam - Nikhef)
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
11:20 AM
Results on TMD evolution
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
11:45 AM
Evolution and extraction of TMDs
Ignazio Scimemi
(Universidad Complutense (ES))
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
9:35 AM
Collinear QCD, TMD resummation and non-perturbative aspects in SIDIS processes
Mariaelena Boglione
(University of Turin)
(Building R, Room R218)
10:00 AM
Non-linear evolution equations
Ian Balitsky
(Building R, Room R218)
11:00 AM
Production of forward jets within high-energy factorization
Krzysztof Kutak
(Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
(Building R, Room R218)
11:25 AM
(Building R, Room R218)
9:30 AM
Overview on transverse momentum resummation
Giancarlo Ferrera
(University of Milan)
(Building R, Room 218)
10:30 AM
Soft gluons and the ordering problem
Rene angeles martinez
(Building R, Room R218)
10:55 AM
(Building R, Room R218)
9:00 AM
Impact of gluon polarization on Higgs production at the LHC
Cristian Pisano
(Building D, Room D013)
9:25 AM
Gluon TMDs and quarkonium production in (un)polarized proton-proton collisions
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(IPN Orsay, Paris Sud U. / IN2P3-CNRS)
(Building D, Room D013)
9:50 AM
Higgs and Drell-Yan production in high luminosity proton-proton collisions
Hans Van Haevermaet
(University of Antwerp (BE))
(Building D, Room D013)
10:15 AM
Generating function for web diagrams
Alexey Vladimirov
(Building D, Room D013)
10:40 AM
(Building D, Room D013)
1:30 PM
Introduction to QCD evolution of parton distributions: Comparative view
Igor Cherednikov
(University of Antwerp)
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
1:50 PM
Overview of TMD evolution
Daniel Boer
(University of Groningen)
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
2:35 PM
Effect of TMD evolution and partonic flavor on e+e- annihilation into hadrons
Marco Radici
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
3:00 PM
(Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet)
2:00 PM
Applications of the high-energy QCD effective action
José Daniel Madrigal Martínez
(Building R, Room R218)
2:25 PM
High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jet production at the LHC
Samuel Wallon
(Building R, Room R218)
2:50 PM
Impact factor for quark-antiquark-gluon jet production in diffractive DIS
Renaud Boussarie
(Buidling R, Room 218)
3:15 PM
(Building R, Room R218)
7:00 PM
Workshop Dinner
1:30 PM
Gluon-gluon to Higgs in TMD and kT-factorization: SCET approach
Miguel Echevarría
(Building R, Room R218)
2:00 PM
Gluon-gluon to Higgs in TMD and kT-factorization: Small-x framework
Francesco Hautmann
(Institute of Theoretical Physics)
(Building R, Room R218)
2:30 PM
Transverse momentum gluon density at low-x
Gennady Lykasov
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
(Building R, Room 218)
2:55 PM
(Building R, Room R218)
2:25 PM
Concluding remarks and future plans
(Building D, Room D013)