Dec 8 – 11, 2014
University of Antwerp
Europe/Zurich timezone
REF 2014: Resummation, Evolution, Factorization

Second Bulletin: Program Update

Dear colleagues,

Please find below some updated information about the forthcoming Workshop `Resummation, Evolution, Factorization'.

The principal goal of the Workshop is to facilitate a series of brainstorming-like discussions focusing on the following four major topics:

A. Gluon-gluon to Higgs production: Gluon PDFs in the TMD and small-X formalisms

B. Heavy-Quark hadroproduction: factorization and resummation issues

C. Nonlinear evolution equations

D. Comparative study of the various evolution approaches for unintegrated and TMD PDFs

Namely, a part of the Workshop will be organised in a more or less standard 'conference' form (a sequence of 15-25 min. talks followed by questions), while the rest of the time will be devoted to the dedicated discussions based on the key presentations given by invited speakers on each of the major topics. To this end, we kindly ask all participants to prepare their proposals for the presentations keeping in mind this structure and to submit them specifying the particular category to which they would like to contribute with the talk.

More detailed information about the scientific program of the Workshop will be sent around in the next bulletin.

The Organizers