Dec 8 – 11, 2014
University of Antwerp
Europe/Zurich timezone
REF 2014: Resummation, Evolution, Factorization

Scientific Program

Time slots:

A] key talks: up to one hour (e.g. 45 min talk plus 15 min discussion)
B] normal talks: up to half an hour (e.g. 20 min talk plus 10 min discussion)


Scientific Programme - outline

- Monday morning [from 11am]:
* I. Scimemi ("Evolution and extraction of TMDs")
* F. Ceccopieri ("Results on TMD evolution")

- Monday afternoon [till 5pm]:
* key talk: D. Boer-I. Cherednikov ("comparative study of the various evolution approaches for unintegrated and TMD PDFs")
* M. Radici ("Effect of TMD evolution and partonic flavor on e+e- annihilation into hadrons")
* optional: public PhD defense of T. Mertens (5pm)

- Tuesday morning [from 9.30am]:
* M. Boglione ("Collinear QCD, TMD resummation and non-perturbative aspects in SIDIS processes")
* key talk: I. Balitsky ("Non-linear evolution equations")
* K. Kutak ("Production of forward jets within high-energy factorization")

- Tuesday afternoon:
* J.D. Madrigal Martínez ("Applications of the high-energy QCD effective action")
* S. Wallon ("High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jet production at the LHC")
* R. Boussarie ("Impact factor for quark-antiquark-gluon jet production in diffractive DIS")

- Wednesday morning [from 9.30am]:
* key talk: G. Ferrera ("Overview on transverse momentum resummation")
* R. Angeles Martinez ("on factorization breaking")

- Wednesday afternoon [till 5pm]:
* key talk: M. Echevarria-F. Hautmann ("gg to Higgs in TMD and kT-factorization")
* G. Lykasov ("Transverse momentum gluon density at low-x")
* optional: public PhD defense of Frederik Van der Veken (5pm)

- Thursday morning [from 9.30am]:
* C. Pisano ("Impact of gluon polarization on Higgs production at the LHC")
* J.P. Lansberg ("Gluon TMDs and quarkonium production in (un)polarised proton-proton collisions")
* H. van Haevermaet ("Higgs and Drell-Yan production in high luminosity proton-proton collisions")

- Thursday afternoon:
* A. Vladimirov ("Generating function for web diagrams")
* concluding remarks and future plans