Hans Van Haevermaet
(University of Antwerp (BE))
In the forthcoming high luminosity phase of the LHC many of the most interesting measurements for precision QCD studies are affected by large pile-up conditions. However, with the recently discovered Higgs boson, which couples in the heavy top limit directly to gluons, we have access to a novel production process to probe QCD by a colour-singlet current. In this study we compare observables in Higgs boson and Drell-Yan production and evaluate their stability with respect to pile-up effects. We present first attempts to apply various pile-up correction methods both to underlying event and to boson + jet event topologies, and compare Pythia8, Powheg and CASCADE event generator predictions to demonstrate the sensitivity to different multiple-parton radiation mechanisms.
Francesco Hautmann
(Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Hans Van Haevermaet
(University of Antwerp (BE))