21–23 Jan 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone


Participants are requested to book well in advance their accommodation in Geneva. The city is always rather busy for many events and late booking of the hotel room is not recommended.

A list of suggested accommodations is provided below. For students please see the "youth accommodation".

Please contact us (sgr15unige@gmail.com) If you have any trouble when booking your hotel.


Here you can find a selection of low-price hotels:


Hôtel Silva
Rue Jean-Robert Chouet 7
Case postale 206 1211 Genève 7
Tel: +41 22 749 18 10
Internet: http://www.hotel-silva.ch/
e-mail: reservations@hotel-silva.ch


Hôtel Central
Rue de la Rôtisserie 2
1204 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 818 81 00
Internet: http://www.hotelcentral.ch
e-mail: info@hotelcentral.ch


Hôtel St Gervais
20 rue des Corps-Saints,
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41(0)22 732 45 72
Internet: http://stgervais-geneva.ch e-mail: info@stgervais-geneva.ch


An extensive list of hotels in Geneva can be found at the Geneva Tourism website

Youth Accommodations

City Hostel Geneva
2, rue Ferrier
1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 901 15 00
Internet: www.cityhostel.ch


Geneva Youth Hostel
Rue Rothschild 30
1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 732 62 60
Fax : +41 22 738 39 87
Internet: http://www.genevahostel.ch