17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

CHORUS and SHARE Session: Opening up research infrastructures and workflows in higher education

18 Jun 2015, 09:40
Campus Biotech

Campus Biotech


Dr Tyler Walters (Tyler Walters, Dean, University Libraries, Virginia Tech USA, and Director, SHARE)


Part of opening up science research is opening up information and data about its processes, products, and management. It is difficult today to track the release of new research objects (e.g. data, papers, records, notes, software), particularly from a specific research project. It is also difficult to ascertain the research outcomes being produced from a given sponsored research program or from a certain interdisciplinary area of research at a university. The Shared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) is a North American higher education community initiative aimed at optimizing the infrastructure, workflows, and policies involved in identifying, discovering, and re-using research output. Its goal is maximizing the impact of research in society through open data and information about research activity. SHARE is developing services and technologies to improve openness, beginning with SHARE Notify, its notification service of research release events. SHARE Notify and plans for future development will be discussed in this session.

Presentation materials