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15–17 Dec 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

The CRYRING@ESR project - status and prospects

15 Dec 2014, 17:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Frank HERFURTH (GSI Darmstadt)


The CRYRING@ESR project is the early installation of the low-energy storage ring LSR, the Swedish in kind contribution to FAIR, which was proposed as the central decelerator ring for antiprotons at the FLAIR facility. Since the modularized start version of FAIR does not include the erection of the FLAIR building, it was proposed to install the CRYRING storage ring behind the existing experimental storage ring ESR already now. This opens the opportunity to endeavor part of the low energy atomic physics with heavy, highly charged ions as proposed by the SPARC collaboration but also experiments of nuclear physics background in the NUSTAR collaboration much sooner than foreseen in the FAIR general schedule. Furthermore, since the installation of the ring will be handled mostly by FAIR standards, it will be used to test major parts of the FAIR control system for the first time and well ahead of time before it is needed to run SIS100. Rare ions for storage in CRYRING@ESR are produced and separated in the FRS and then stored, cooled and decelerated in the ESR. This imposes a lower life time limit of several ten seconds for ions available for experiments in the storage ring at energies between several 100 keV/nucleon and about 10 MeV/nucleon. A future connection to the Super FRS at FAIR would increase the available yields of rare, heavy and highly charged ions considerably and hence also extend the physics oportunities.

Primary author

Frank HERFURTH (GSI Darmstadt)


Presentation materials