1–5 Dec 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone
3rd Fluka Advanced Course and Workshop, LNF, Italy

Status of the FAIR pbar target

3 Dec 2014, 16:00


Manuela Helmecke


At FAIR, a proton beam from the SIS100 synchrotron with a kinetic energy of 29 GeV will be used for the pbar production. Every 10 seconds 2.5E13 protons will be accelerated in the SIS100 to 29 GeV and a bunch of 50 ns duration will be formed. Antiprotons will be produced in collision of these protons with a nickel target. Immediately behind the target, a pulsed magnetic horn will be placed to collect the antiprotons emerging from the target with energies around 3 GeV and within a cone of about 80 mrad. Due to the high activation during the antiproton production a transport concept for the activated components has to be developped since only remote handling is possible. Recent FLUKA calculations of the prompt and the remanent dose of the tarets station itself and the handling components are presented. Also the work on the collimator design of the antiproton beamline by using Fluka is discussed briefly.

Presentation materials