20–22 May 2015
Asia/Bangkok timezone
The Centennial Celebration of General Relativity Theory and 80 Years of Thai Physics Graduate

Micro-structural Investigation of InGaAsN Lattice-matched Films Grown on Off-angle Ge (001) Substrates by MOVPE

21 May 2015, 13:00
3h 30m
Board: MNA-02
Poster presentation Material Physics, Nanoscale Physics and Nanotechnology Poster-3


Mrs Pornsiri Wanarattikan (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILAND 10140)


In this work, the InGaAsN lattice-matched films were grown on off-angle Ge (001) substrates with inclined surfaces of 4$^{\circ}$ and 6$^{\circ}$ towards the [1 1 0] direction. All the samples were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) using low temperature (550 $^{\circ}$C) GaAs buffer layer. To compare the InGaAsN film on on-axis Ge (001) substrate, micro-structural properties of the films on off-angle Ge (001) substrates were investigated by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), Raman scattering, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Since, InGaAsN with about 1-eV bandgap and lattice-matching to Ge is a candidate component material for the InGaP(N)/InGaAs/ InGaAsN/Ge four-junction-structure solar cells. HRXRD 2$\theta$/$\omega$ (004) results showed the Pendellösung fringes which clearly indicate a flat interface and a smooth surface for the InGaAsN films on off-angle Ge substrates. Furthermore, the smooth surface with low RMS roughness was obviously observed by AFM. Cross-sectional dark-field TEM images showed the GaAs buffer layer with a few anti-phase domains (APDs) at the GaAs/Ge interface. And then, APDs-free InGaAsN layer was observed on the off-angle Ge substrates. On the other hand, both the InGaAsN films and the GaAs buffer layers on on-axis Ge substrates demonstrated a high density of anti-phase boundaries. Our results indicate that high structural quality InGaAsN lattice-macthed films were successfully grown on the off-angle Ge (001) substrates.


Mrs Pornsiri Wanarattikan (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILAND 10140)


Dr Kenjiro Uesugi (Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo) Prof. Kentaro Onabe (Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo) Dr Sakuntam Sanorpim (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND 10330) Dr Shigeyuki Kuboya (Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo) Dr Somyod Denchitcharoen (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILAND 10140)

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