20–22 May 2015
Asia/Bangkok timezone
The Centennial Celebration of General Relativity Theory and 80 Years of Thai Physics Graduate

Split-Operator Method for Fabry-Perot Interferometry

21 May 2015, 09:00
Hemingways' Lounge

Hemingways' Lounge

Oral presentation Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Molecular and Chemical Physics Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Molecular and Chemical Physics


Jindaratsamee Phrompao (Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand)


We numerically calculate transmission, reflection and cavity-modes inside a Fabry-Perot interferometer using the split-operator method. Unlike traditional methods, the cavity's eigenmodes are computed from temporal propagation instead of spatial propagation which makes the calculation of cavity scanning more practical. Also the split-operator coexist with master equations of fully quantum mechanics calculation of atom-photon interaction in the Fabry-Perot cavity.


Jindaratsamee Phrompao (Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand)


Dr Narupon Chattrapiban (Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand) Dr Waranont Anukool (Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand)

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