20–22 May 2015
Asia/Bangkok timezone
The Centennial Celebration of General Relativity Theory and 80 Years of Thai Physics Graduate

Using Simple Experiments incorporated with a Laboratory Group Investigation Model to Develop Conceptual Understanding of Static Electricity

21 May 2015, 08:00
Board: EDU-02
Poster presentation Physics Education Poster-2


Mr Akapong Buachoom (Department of physics, Faculty of Science, UbonRatchathani University, Thailand, 34190)Dr Sura Wuttiprom (Department of physics, Faculty of Science, UbonRatchathani University, Thailand, 34190)


The purpose of this research was to study the development of students’ conceptions of static electricity using a laboratory group investigation model. The participants were 34 grade 10 students from Srikoonwittayabunlang School, Amnatcharoen in the second semester of the 2014 academic year. A one group pre-test/post-test design was employed in the study, and the research tools consisted of lesson plans based on the group investigation technique and a static electricity conceptual test. Data were analyzed by the use of average percentages, standard deviations, t-test, and normalized gain. Results showed that there was an improvement in the mean post-test score compared to the mean pre-test score at a statistically significant level of .05.The average class normalized gain was at the medium gain level.


Mr Akapong Buachoom (Department of physics, Faculty of Science, UbonRatchathani University, Thailand, 34190)


Dr Sura Wuttiprom (Department of physics, Faculty of Science, UbonRatchathani University, Thailand, 34190)

Presentation materials