20–22 May 2015
Asia/Bangkok timezone
The Centennial Celebration of General Relativity Theory and 80 Years of Thai Physics Graduate

Giant Dielectric Properties and Electrical Response Grain Boundary of Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ Ceramics

21 May 2015, 13:00
3h 30m
Board: MNA-33
Poster presentation Material Physics, Nanoscale Physics and Nanotechnology Poster-3


Mr Pariwat Saengvong (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, THAILAND 40002)


The dielectric properties and electrical response of grain boundaries of Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ ceramics were investigated as a function of frequency. High dielectric permittivity (${\varepsilon}^{\prime}\sim$10${}^4$) and low loss tangent (tan$\delta$<0.1 at 1 kHz) were observed in Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ ceramics. Through analyses using a complex impedance spectroscopy, it was found that the dielectric properties of Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ ceramics were closely related to the electrical response of grain boundaries. The investigation of electrical response of the grain boundary suggested that the potential barrier at the grain boundaries of Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ ceramics was due to the Schottky effect. The giant low frequency dielectric response in Na${}_{1/3}$Ca${}_{1/3}$La${}_{1/3}$Cu${}_3$Ti${}_4$O${}_{12}$ ceramics is attributed to Maxwell-Wagner polarization at the grain boundaries.


Mr Pariwat Saengvong (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, THAILAND 40002)


Dr Prasit Thongbai (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, THAILAND 40002)

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