Chiow San Wong
(Plasma Technology Research Centre Physics Department, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
21/05/2015, 13:00
Ion and Plasma Physics
Invited talk
Recently, the development of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma has been the research interest of many research groups world wide. This is because it is now realized that there is a need to develope cost effective plasma technology so that it can be more widely used in industry. The atmospheric pressure plasma devices being considered include the glow discharge and the dielectric...
O.H. Chin
(Plasma Technology Research Centre, Physics Department, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
21/05/2015, 13:30
Ion and Plasma Physics
Invited talk
Metal nanoparticles (NPs) due to their size and shape, have unique attributes that differ from their macrosized counterparts. These attributes contributed to an ever-growing list of applications, from medicine to electronics. The challenge is not only to create the nanoscale sizes but also to keep the metal NPs dispersed without agglomeration. Conventional methods to synthesize the NPs include...
Deepak Prasad Subedi
(Department of Natural Sciences, School of Science, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal)
21/05/2015, 14:00
Ion and Plasma Physics
Invited talk
A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) type ozone generator was designed with oxygen /air as a feed gas. The discharge was generated by using high voltage power supply operating at line frequency (50Hz). The effect of gas flow rate and applied voltage on the concentration of the ozone was investigated. The flow rate was varied from 1 lit/min to 5 lit/ min for electrode area A=143.56 cm${}^2$ and...
Prasanta Chatterjee
(Department of Mathematics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan-731235, Birbhum, India)
21/05/2015, 14:30
Ion and Plasma Physics
Oral presentation
Solitonic, periodic and chaotic behaviors of ion acoustic waves in an unmagnetized plasma
with q-nonextensive electrons and positrons are investigated applying the bifurcation theory
of planar dynamical systems. Model equations are transformed to a planar dynamical system
using a traveling wave transformation. Then by using the bifurcations of phase portraits of
this planar dynamical...
Tipwimol Traikool
(Thammasat University)
21/05/2015, 14:45
Ion and Plasma Physics
Oral presentation
Effects of atmospheric plasma treatment on RD31 rice seed germination are studied. The seeds are treated with 5 mW of plasma for 10 sec. It is found that plasma treatments have positive effects on seed germination and seeding growth at the early stage. The germination rate is found to improve by 25% compared to non-treated seeds. In addition, the better quality of sprouts is obtained. It is...
Arlee Tamman
(School of Science, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80161, THAILAND)
21/05/2015, 15:00
Ion and Plasma Physics
Oral presentation
PET scan is a medical imaging device for effective cancer diagnosis. It use medical radioisotopes such as 18-F. Since 18-F has short half-life, on site production is inevitable. Normally, cyclotron is used in the big hospital to produce 18-F. Plasma focus, a much cheaper and compact system, is an alternative device for 18-F production. The plasma focus can generate energetic particles which...