Submission closure: Dec. 31
First of all, we appreciate those who have submitted the manuscripts. We have submissions of about 60 papers as of 10th Dec. These papers are in the pipeline of reviewing now. It would take some time since we are requesting two reviews per paper. We appreciate your help being a peer-reviewer when you are asked to. Once accepted for publication, the papers will be online, accessible through DOI numbers, well before the printing of the proceedings issue.
After two months since the original deadline of 6th Nov., we will close the submission of the manuscripts at the end of year, 31st Dec. We urge those of you who have been writing but have not been able to submit yet to submit by the submission closure date. ...from HSTD10 editors
The Elsevier Editorial System (EES) is open for article submission. The instructions for submission are as follows: The submission website for this journal is located at:
Log-in as a "Author", then click "Submit paper" in the menu below the "NIMA PROCEEDINGS" banner. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select
when the “Article Type” step in the submission process is reached.
...more info in Paper submission
The primary goal of this symposium is to bring together experts in the design, processing and applications of semiconductor tracking detectors for discussions of past experiences, lessons learned and new ideas which are still in the early stage of development.
Key dates:
June 10 Abstract submission open
June 10 Registration open
July 31 Abstract submission closure
July 31 Early Registration end
September 3 Symposium Registration end
September 26 - 29 Symposium sessions
November 6 - Submission of NIMA paper manuscript