25–29 Sept 2015
International Conference Center (also named as <a href="http://www.jdnyhotel.com/index.php" target="_blank">“Nanyang Hotel”</a>)
PRC timezone


Closing of the Symposium

29 Sept 2015, 15:30
International Conference Center (also named as <a href="http://www.jdnyhotel.com/index.php" target="_blank">“Nanyang Hotel”</a>)

International Conference Center (also named as <a href="http://www.jdnyhotel.com/index.php" target="_blank">“Nanyang Hotel”</a>)

<a href="http://en.xjtu.edu.cn/" target="_blank">Xi’an Jiaotong University</a>, Xi’an, China


Closing of the Symposium

  • Xinchou Lou (University of Texas at Dallas (US))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
29/09/2015, 15:30
Building timetable...