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Monday 09/02/2015 10:00 - 17:00
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10/02/2015 09:00 - 14:00
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Tier1s are consolidating their LHCOPN connectivity. Most of them will use LHCONE for T1-T1 connectivity and to backup the LHCOPN, thus dropping direct T1-T1 link. At the same time bandwidth to CERN-T0 is being increased.
Geant is trialing new Openflow functionalities of their Infinera infrastructure. These functionalities can be used to provide EVP (Ethernet Virtual Private) Line and LAN services for the benefit of the LHCOPN and LHCONE communities.
BelleII update: PNNC has joined LHCONE and they are happy with the data transfers they could achieve over it. They need some help on connecting KEK; ESnet and Geant will follow up.
CBPF Brasil: CBPF expressed their interest in establishing a LHCONE VRF instance in Brasil to connect the Brasilian Tier2s. Geant will help with sorting out a connection to their VRF via the Clara network.
LHCONE L3VPN Operations: the network has been stable and only two sites has joined since the last meeting.
BGP filtering with LHCONE communities has been successfully.
ESnet has completed the deployment their transatlantic network; FNAL and BNL are now connected to CERN over the new infrastructure that comprises three transatlantic 100G link.
It has been agreed that BGP connections between VRFs will be peering and not transit. Transit for remote regions will have to be agreed on a case-by-case approach.
LHCONE AUP: several refinements have been agreed, namely on how to acknowledge the AUP and the roles and responsibilities of the different parties. The US-CMS and US-ATLAS collaborations have been added. The final version has been agreed and will be posted to the mailing lists for final approval.
Brocade Networks has made a commercial offer valid for all the WLCG sites; the offer will grant a special discount via local distributors.
perfSONAR: some progress in improving the status of the sites shown in the LHCOPN and LHCONE dashboards. Open Science Grid (OSG) has deployed a network service for WLCG which consist of a datastore, a GUI, a “mesh creation configuration” utility built on information in OIM and GOCDB.
P2P service: the activity has mode some progress thanks to the collaboration with the AutoGOLE project leaded by Surfnet.
One of the main problem to address is the Layer3 routing between the sites; several solutions has been proposed, but they all have drawbacks.
Next meetings: it has been agreed to alternate meetings in Europe with one in North America and one in Asia.
Next meeting will be hosted by LBL in Berkeley on the 1-2 of June 2015. The following one in October/November will be in Europe. Then there will be a meeting in Taiwan, co-hosted with the ISGC conference in March 2016.