Dark Matter at the Large Hadron Collider 2016
The GRAPPA Institute and Nikhef is hosting the 3rd edition of the Dark Matter at the Large Hadron Collider Workshop in Spring 2016.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together the leading experts in the field of Dark Matter searches in order to review the latest results from both theory and the experiments, especially in the light of the new results from the 2015 LHC datasets. Special focus will be given to the complementarity of the results. Questions that we would like to address include: What can the various Beyond the Standard Model searches at the LHC tell us about Dark Matter? What can we learn from the full palette of experimental results from collider and non-collider experiments? How can the searches for Dark Matter evolve in the upcoming years, in the view of the expected experimental upgrades?
Registration for this workshop is now open and we are accepting abstracts for posters. The deadline for registering and abstract submission is the 29th February 2016.
Organizing committee:
- David Berge, Paul de Jong, David Salek (local ATLAS)
- Gianfranco Bertone, Christopher McCabe (GRAPPA)
- Antonio Boveia, Caterina Doglioni (ATLAS)
- Florencia Canelli, Bjoern Penning (CMS)
- Felix Kahlhoefer (theory)