12:15 PM
Focus Coils at reduced current and reconfiguration of MICE Step V
Victoria Blackmore
(University of Oxford)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
12:45 PM
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
1:00 PM
(until 1:45 PM)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
1:45 PM
MICE Step IV Finances and Schedule
Alan Grant
(STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
2:15 PM
MICE Final Step Forward Look
Roy Preece
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
2:45 PM
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
3:00 PM
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
3:15 PM
Oversight Committee Closed Session
(until 3:45 PM)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)
3:45 PM
Feedback to the MICE Collaboration
(until 4:15 PM)
(Conference room CR12 Building R68)