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28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

MatISSE Microcryocooler

29 Jun 2015, 16:45
Tucson Ballroom IJ

Tucson Ballroom IJ

Contributed Oral Presentation CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace) C1OrH - Aerospace Cryocoolers


Jeff Olson (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company)


Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company has built and delivered an engineering model microcryocooler to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use with instruments for deep space and earth science missions. Funding for this cryocooler was through JPL’s Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE). This cooler is nearly identical to the compact coaxial microcryocooler presented at the 2014 International Cryocooler Conference. The cryocooler mass is just 320 grams for the entire thermal mechanical unit, and is compact enough to be packaged in a CubeSat. This paper describes the measured performance of the MatISSE cryocooler, including the performance at the very cold heat rejection temperatures expected for JPL deep space missions.


Jeff Olson (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company)


Dr Eric Roth (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company) Mr George Kaldas (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company) Patrick Champagne (Lockheed Martin) Ted Nast (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company)

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