28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

Raytheon Advanced Miniature Cryocooler Characterization Testing

29 Jun 2015, 16:00
Tucson Ballroom IJ

Tucson Ballroom IJ

Contributed Oral Presentation CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace) C1OrH - Aerospace Cryocoolers


Ted Conrad (Raytheon)


The Raytheon Advanced Miniature (RAM-100) cryocooler is a flight packaged, high frequency pulse tube cooler with an integrated surge volume and inertance tube. Its design has been fully optimized to make use of the Raytheon Advanced Regenerator, resulting in improved efficiency relative to previous Raytheon pulse tube coolers. In this paper, thermodynamic characterization data for the RAM-100 cryocooler is presented along with details of its design specifications.


Ted Conrad (Raytheon)


Mr Brian Schaefer (Raytheon) Mr Lowell Bellis (Raytheon) Ms Melina Pillar (Raytheon) Mr Michael Barr (Raytheon) Mr Ryan Yates (Raytheon)

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