28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

A Study on the CryoTel® DS 1.5 Cryocooler for Higher Cooling Capacity

30 Jun 2015, 09:00
Exhibit Hall (Arizona Ballroom)

Exhibit Hall (Arizona Ballroom)

Poster Presentation CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace) C2PoB - Stirling and Pulse Tube Cryocoolers


Mr Yongsu Kim (Ametek Sunpower Inc)


The CryoTel® DS 1.5 is a split type Stirling cryocooler which was developed by Sunpower for systems requiring compact size, high efficiency, and high reliability. The DS 1.5 has a lift of about 1.4 watts at 77 K with 30 watts of input power. The cooler design includes gas bearings on the pistons and displacer for non-contact operation, and achieves low vibration by using dual opposed pistons inside the wave generator and a passive balancer on the cold head to offset the displacer motion. The efficiency of the DS 1.5 is ranked highly compared to other cryocoolers at 16% Carnot efficiency, but there are many customers who want more lift with the same size and reliability. Therefore, Sunpower performed a feasibility study of the DS 1.5 to maximize the lift without increasing the size. This paper describes the analysis and test results of increasing the cooler power density by using a higher operating frequency and charge pressure. Prototype testing showed good agreement with the model. Testing performed at various frequencies and charge pressures with a few internal component changes resulted in a maximum lift of 2.4 watts with an input power of 43 watts, achieving 15.9 % of Carnot. The prototype high capacity DS 1.5 achieved 0.7 watts more lift with only one percentage point lower efficiency, and with negligible cooler mass increase. The impact on the cool-down time on a thermal mass system was simulated and the cool-down time was 40% faster while consuming less input energy overall. Sunpower plans to build more units to gain a broader range of performance data and will then decide whether to proceed with a commercial product.


Mr Yongsu Kim (Ametek Sunpower Inc)


Mr Jimmy Wade (Ametek Sunpower Inc) Mr Kyle B. Wilson (Ametek Sunpower Inc)

Presentation materials