28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

FRIB Cryogenic Plant Status

30 Jun 2015, 09:00
Exhibit Hall (Arizona Ballroom)

Exhibit Hall (Arizona Ballroom)

Poster Presentation CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing C2PoA - Cryogenic Systems I


Kelly Dixon (Jefferson Lab)


After practical changes were approved to the initial conceptual design of the cryogenic system for the MSU FRIB and an agreement was made with JLab in 2012 to lead the design effort of the cryogenic plant and later the cryo-distribution system, many activities are in place leading toward a cool-down of the linacs prior to 2018. This is mostly due to using similar equipment used at CHLII for the 12 GeV upgrade at JLab and an aggressive schedule maintained by the MSU Conventional Facilities department. This paper provides an updated status of the cryogenic plant, including the equipment procurement status plant layout, facility equipment and project schedule.


Kelly Dixon (Jefferson Lab)


Dr Fabio Casagrande (MSU-FRIB) Mr Nathaniel Laverdure (Jefferson Lab) Peter Knudsen (Jefferson Lab) Dr Rao GANNI (JLAB) Mr Robert Norton (Jefferson Lab) Mr Tim Nellis (MSU-FRIB)

Presentation materials