28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

Recent Development Status of High-Capacity 4K Pulse Tube Cryocooler

1 Jul 2015, 12:00
Tucson Ballroom IJ

Tucson Ballroom IJ

Contributed Oral Presentation CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace) C3OrD - 4K Cryocoolers


Mr Xiaogang Lin (Sumitomo Heavy Industries,Ltd.)


A high-capacity 4K two-stage pulse tube cryocooler (PTC) with a remote valve unit that produces cooling capacity of 1.5 W at 4.2 K and 36 W at 45 K simultaneously has been under development at Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (SHI). The PTC can be used for dilution cryocoolers, magnet cooling and other cryogenic devices. Compared to the SHI 1W commercial PTC Model RP-082B2S, the cooling capacity at the second stage is improved significantly by enlarging the volume of the second stage regenerator and pulse tube, and by optimizing the DC flow in the cold head of PTC. To achieve the increased cooling capacity, a large compressor unit has also been under development. The electrical power consumption of the new compressor is specified to be about 9.5 kW at 50 Hz. Experimental results of refrigeration performance, load curves, etc of the prototype units will be described in this paper.


Mr Xiaogang Lin (Sumitomo Heavy Industries,Ltd.)


Mr Akihiro Tsuchiya (Sumitomo Heavy Industries,Ltd.) Mr Hirokazu Takayama (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.) Dr Mingyao Xu (Sumitomo Heavy Industried,Ltd.) Mr Motokazu Saito (Sumitomo Heavy Industries,Ltd.) Mr Takashi Hirayama (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

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