C3OrH - Cryogenic Safety
- Wesley Johnson (NASA Glenn Research Center)
- John Weisend II (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
Ziemowit Malecha
(Wroclaw Univ of Technology)
01/07/2015, 14:00
CEC-11 - Safety, Reliability, and Standards
Contributed Oral Presentation
Modern physics laboratories require very large amounts of cryogenics fluids. Often the fluid must be transported along the tunnels or stored in the underground cavities. Currently there is several ongoing projects where vary large amounts of liquid (LAr) or gaseous Argon (GAr) will be used. One of them is a part of LAGUNA-LBNO (Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino...
Agnieszka Piotrowska
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
01/07/2015, 14:30
CEC-11 - Safety, Reliability, and Standards
Contributed Oral Presentation
To mitigate the results of potential failures of cryogenic systems a risk analysis should be performed during the system design phase. The risk analysis output is sensitive to input parameters reflecting failure rates of the system elements like welds, pipes, valves, bellows and others. Big helium cryogenic systems are relatively rare and they do not allow to create a data base allowing...
Carolin Heidt
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
01/07/2015, 14:45
CEC-11 - Safety, Reliability, and Standards
Contributed Oral Presentation
The sizing of cryogenic safety relief devices requires detailed knowledge on the evolution of the pressure increase in cryostats following hazardous incidents such as the venting of the insulating vacuum with atmospheric air. Based on typical design and operating conditions in liquid helium cryostats, the new test facility PICARD, which stands for Pressure Increase in Cryostats and Analysis of...
Artur Iluk
(Technical University of Wroclaw)
01/07/2015, 15:00
CEC-11 - Safety, Reliability, and Standards
Contributed Oral Presentation
Helium inventory in big cryogenic systems may be of the order of hundred tons. During the warm up of the machine the helium has to be stored in warm pressurized tanks. A potential rupture of the tank may create a danger to adjacent objects. In order to formulate recommendations concerning storage of compressed gases in close vicinity of nuclear installations, like tokamaks, a thermodynamic...