C2PoJ - Joule-Thomson Coolers
- Michael Green (LBNL & FRIB/MSU)
- John Pfotenhauer (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Milind Atrey
(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Dr
P M Ardhapurkar
(SSGMCE Shegaon, India)
30/06/2015, 14:00
CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace)
Poster Presentation
The overall efficiency of mixed refrigerant Joule–Thomson (MR J–T) cryocooler is governed by the performance of recuperative heat exchanger which precools the refrigerant mixture prior to expansion in a J-T valve. In the heat exchanger, the hot stream of the mixed refrigerant undergoes condensation at high pressure while the cold stream gets evaporated at low pressure. The pressure drop in the...
Christopher Dodson
(Air Force Research Labs), Mr
Kyle Martin
(Applied Technology Associates), Mr
Tomas Fraser
(Air Force Research Labs)
30/06/2015, 14:00
CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace)
Poster Presentation
Cascade Joule-Thomson Microcoolers have been proposed in literature in which different compressors with low values of pressure ratio of order four using different working fluids are anticipated to drive the microcooler. A cascade of five stages is expected to provide cooling at a load temperature of 150 K. In this study a second-law analysis of such a microcooler is performed to quantify the...