C2PoD - Superconducting RF Systems II
- Kelly Dixon (Jefferson Lab)
- Thomas Peterson (Fermilab)
Michael White
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-07 - Superconducting RF Systems
Poster Presentation
This paper describes the cryogenic system for the Cryomodule Test Stand (CMTS) at the new Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF) located at Fermilab. CMTS is designed for production testing of the 1.3 GHz and 3.9GHz cryomodules to be used in the Linac Coherent Light Source II (LCLSII), which is an upgrade to an existing accelerator at Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC). This paper...
Ralf Eichhorn
(Cornell University)
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-07 - Superconducting RF Systems
Poster Presentation
As kicks from fundamental power couplers become a concern for low emittance future accelerators, a design for a symmetric coupler for superconducting accelerating cavities has been started. In this coupler, a rectangular waveguide transforms into a coaxial line inside the beam pipe to feed the cavity. So far the RF design revealed an extremely low transversal kick on which we will elaborate....
Shreyas Balachandran
(Texas A&M University)
30/06/2015, 09:00
ICMC-11 - Metallic and Composite Materials
Poster Presentation
The objective of the work reported is to demonstrate a fabrication method for developing reproducible uniform fine-grained microstructures in seamless RRR Nb tube. The target application is the inexpensive manufacture of RRR Nb superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. Present methods to manufacture seamless Nb tubing from rolled Nb sheet by deep drawing, spinning, and flow forming...
Sergey Koshelev
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-07 - Superconducting RF Systems
Poster Presentation
Thermal conductivity of SRF cavity material influences Q factor in many different ways. RRR and grain size are insufficient to characterize quality of the material and additional control of thermal conductivity is required. We have developed a test stand to perform regular thermal conductivity measurements of samples from cavity material sheets from 1.6 to $\approx$10 K. Thermal conductivity...