M3OrB - Superconductor Wires IV: MgB2 and Applications
- Yanwei Ma (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)
Guangze Li
(The Ohio State University)
7/1/15, 11:00 AM
ICMC-04 - MgB2 Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
Significantly enhanced critical current density (Jc) for MgB2 superconducting wires can be obtained following the advanced internal Mg infiltration (AIMI) route. But unless suitable precautions are taken, the AIMI-processed MgB2 wires will exhibit incomplete MgB2 layer formation, i.e. reduced superconductor core size and hence suppressed current-carrying capability. Therefore, it is crucial to...
Mike Tomsic
(Hyper Tech Research)
7/1/15, 11:15 AM
ICMC-04 - MgB2 Processing and Properties
Invited Oral Presentation
Hyper Tech Research will report on progress that has been made on developing magnesium diboride superconductor wires for research and commercialization efforts, with a specific emphasis on relating superconductor properties to the requirements of the application. The status of Hyper Tech Research’s current demonstration projects for fabricating MgB2 wire and coils for MRI, FCL, motors, and...
Xifeng PAN
(Western Superconducting Technologies Co . Ltd.)
7/1/15, 11:45 AM
ICMC-04 - MgB2 Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
In this paper, we present recent progress of long multifilamentary MgB2 wires and tapes in our group. Now we have fabricated the MgB2 wires with unit length of 1500 m and diameter of 1.0 mm by in-situ Powder-in-Tube (PIT) method using Nb as the barrier and copper as the stabilizer. To improve the strength of wires, the Cu, Cu–Nb and NbTi core was used as the central filament. The Cu–Nb...
Douglas Finnemore
(Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University)
7/1/15, 12:00 PM
ICMC-04 - MgB2 Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
A procedure has been developed for the preparation of small grained magnesium diboride (MgB2) powder by reacting nanometer size boron powder in a magnesium vapor. Plasma synthesized boron powder that has particle sizes ranging from 20 to 300nm was mixed with millimeter size chunks of Mg by rolling stoichiometric amounts of the powders in a sealed cylindrical container under nitrogen gas. This...
Tatiana Prikhna
(Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
7/1/15, 12:15 PM
ICMC-04 - MgB2 Processing and Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
MgB2-based bulk materials synthesized under 30 MPa – 2 GPa pressure demonstrated an enhanced connectivity, AF ~50–98% compared to other reports (below 50%) and a shielding fraction of 75–100 %. The materials demonstrate high critical current densities, jc, but no strict correlation was found between AF and jc. On the other hand, we found correlations between jc and the distribution of...