M3OrE - Invited Panel Session Part II: Superconducting Wind Turbines, Rotating Machines, and Materials
- Lance Cooley (Fermilab)
- Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)
Venkat Selvamanickam
(University of Houston)
01/07/2015, 16:15
ICMC-02 - RE123 Conductors Processing and Properties
Invited Oral Presentation
Superconducting generators are a viable alternative to permanent-magnet-based generators for direct-drive, high-power wind turbines especially because of their potential low operating cost, reduced weight, and near elimination of rare-earth materials. A major challenge with the commercialization of superconducting generators for wind turbines is the high cost of present day’s high temperature...
Kiruba Haran
(University of Illinois)
01/07/2015, 16:35
CEC-09 - Cryogenics for Power Applications, Energy, Fuels and Transportation
Invited Oral Presentation
Several groups have worked to develop many different types of superconducting (SC) machines, successfully demonstrating different aspects of the technology. In spite of these efforts, commercial adoption has not taken place because of the perceived unfavorable risk/benefit assessment of SC technology. In this talk, we will describe efforts to try and break this impasse by leveraging advances...
Michael Tomsic
(Hyper Tech)
01/07/2015, 16:55
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Invited Oral Presentation
The desire is for light weight wind turbine generators for both land and offshore wind that can be serviced on top of the wind towers. Hyper Tech has developed a modular concept design so the components can be shipped over conventional highways and assembled on top of a tower. The design can be scaled from 5-20MW. There is also the desire to have low operational and maintenance costs for...