C1OrD - Low Temperature Aerospace Cryocoolers
- Dean Johnson (JPL)
- Carl Kirkconnell (Iris Technology)
James Butterworth
(Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
29/06/2015, 11:00
CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
Air Liquide has been working with ESA, CEA and Thales Cryogenics since 2010 to design, manufacture and test a 15K Pulse Tube Cooler system.
This cooler is particularly adapted to the pre-cooling needs of cryogenic chains designed to reach 0.1-0.05K for focal plane cooling on scientific space missions such as ATHENA.
The cooler is designed to provide cooling power >0.3W at temperatures from...
Patrick Champagne
(Lockheed Martin)
29/06/2015, 11:30
CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
This paper describes the development and testing of a space-quality compressor capable of delivering closed-loop gas flow with a high pressure ratio, suitable for driving a Joule-Thomson cryocooler. The compressor is based on a traditional “Oxford style” dual-opposed piston compressor with linear drive motors and flexure-bearing clearance-seal technology for high reliability and long life. ...
Jean-Marc duval
29/06/2015, 11:45
CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
SAFARI (SpicA FAR-infrared Instrument) is an infrared instrument planned to be part of the SPICA (SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) Satellite. It will offer high spectral resolution in the 30 – 210 µm frequency range. SAFARI will benefit from the cold telescope of SPICA and to obtain the required detectors sensitivity, a temperature of 50 mK is required. This...
(Institut Neel (CNRS))
29/06/2015, 12:00
CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
Institut Néel - CNRS and Air Liquide are presently developing a Closed-Cycle Dilution Refrigerator for Space. Recent sub-system level tests have demonstrated the operation of the low temperature components : the mixing chamber can provide close to 1µW at 50mK, the Still (in which the phase separation between liquid and gas occurs) can confine the liquid against gravity, and 4He can be...
Marcel ter Brake
(University of Twente, The Netherlands)
29/06/2015, 12:15
CEC-04 - Cryocoolers (Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
A sorption-based helium-3 pump is developed to be incorporated in a closed-cycle dilution refrigerator (CCDR) that is realized by the Néel institute in Grenoble. This CCDR is to be used for future long-lifetime space missions requiring a cooling power of the order of 1 microWatt at typically 50 mK for at least 5 years. A crucial component in this zero-gravity dilution refrigerator is a pump to...